About TICA
當您放眼國際,舉步移民時公會會員是您移民路上最佳夥伴,陪伴您,成為快樂的世界公民。中華民國移民商業同業公會 (以下簡稱本會)係國內唯一在內政部督導下,經由合法移民業務機構組成之 『移民同業公會』 ,於民國90年7月成立 (其前身為台北市移民商業同業公會-民國81年6月成立)。

任務 傳遞正確的移民資訊
一 、協助政府推行有關移民、經貿、文化、外交等有關法令。
二 、接受國內外政府機關、團體之委託移民及非移民之有關事項。
三 、協助國內外政府有關移民事業之聯繫、調查、研究發展及建議事項。
四 、聯繫海內外僑界社團,增進友誼,促進移民及非移民業務之發展。
五 、會員間營業上弊害之矯正與爭執調處及消弭惡性競爭。
六 、維護會員合法權益及協助解決有關困難問題。
七 、出版定期或不定期刊物或舉辦展覽,以提供接受移民國家之正確資訊。
八 、舉辦從業人員職前及在職訓練。
九 、舉辦會員從業人員康樂及文藝活動。
十 、有關會員承攬移民業務收費標準及廣告事項之擬訂與執行督導。
Taiwan (R.O.C) Immigration Consultants Association
A Ranked Excellent Civil Organization Evaluated by Ministry of the Interior
Taiwan (R.O.C.) Immigration Consultants Association (TICA) was reformed in July 2001 from the former organization of Taipei Immigration Consultants Association, Taiwan (R.O.C) that was founded in 1992. Since establishment, TICA has been actively promoting our immigration business, providing services to members, and undertaking consignments from government agencies. TICA has been awarded class”A” civil organization of year 2001by Ministry of The Interior of Taiwan. In year 2007and 2012, TICA was evaluated as one of thirty-nine groups of excellent performance among more than ten thousands of vocational association.
TICA currently has about fifty-four active members with our professional association. All of our members are licensed professional immigration consultants approved by Taiwan National Immigration Agency (NIA) offering services to clients who wish immigrating to The United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, European countries, Southeast Asian countries including Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macau, and Japan, Central and South American countries including Belize, Costa Rica, Argentina, Brazil, St. Kitz, Panama. We are now assisting Taiwan administration department to rule immigration regulations for foreign investors and skilled workers moving to Taiwan. Other than immigration services, many of our members also provide services to students for studying abroad.
Address:9F-5, No.1, Section 1, Fuxing South Road, Taipei, Taiwan10556